2025-01: Day of Fire

Last weekend we continued our tradition of going to day of fire every year, and had so many people sign up that we were split into three patrols rather than our usual one or two. On the first night, we set up our own personal campfire along with our tents. After struggling to get out of our warm sleeping bags and into the cold, we ate breakfast and headed off to one of the coves. We dragged sticks and logs to the fire for a few hours before heading back to camp for lunch. Some of us decided to stay back at camp and watch the fire while the others went to a different cove to continue helping out. When the day was over, we gathered around the campfire for dinner and dessert before going to bed.

Zoey A.
Troop Historian

Full Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/LhUEtnf5ZCQMc5w77