2023-03-21: Weekend at Woodruff
Things weren’t looking too promising when we left on Friday. It was raining, the forecast was calling for bitterly cold temps, but that didn’t deter us! We headed up to @woodruffscoutcamp for a weekend of fun and by the time we arrived, it the rain had already cleared. The scouts got camp setup and we all gathered around a nice warm campfire. Saturday more was as cold as they predicted, but the sun was soon shining and we got spent the morning working on the Geo Caching Merit Badge before splitting into groups to go track down some caches! After a late lunch, with the Geo Caching MB nearly complete, we switched over to the the Eagle Required Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge to help kick start anyone looking to wanted get that one knocked out too. It ended up being a wonderful & relaxing weekend, with lots of time spent around chatting around the all day fire. Excited to see where we end up next!
Photo Album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vDeTkVooY4gfjmcr7